Count to 9000!

Since this place is open for spamming as much as anyone wants, I'm doing exactly that in order to understand the code of forums. It's bulletin board code (also called bbcode)..but I think there's something wrong with the bbcode of OPF. You should check out the minimum size you can assign to a text (It's very big..I think that's a problem with the default text, so maybe it doesn't matter). As you can see there's a dragon with pizza on the left here. Truth be told, I have no idea why that is...but just for the sake of writing gibberish, I wrote this and you read it (so far). Well, it's not totally gibberish. There's something seriously wrong with the code here. I think the default font for the text needs to be changed (in my opinion) to Verdana'll look way better. I know most people don't care about how their posts look but there are some who care about presentation. So, kindly check the codes.